The Lenticular Dress

A dress with different faces, 'The Lenticular dress' demands the viewer to suspend judgement. The design has a pattern that changes depending on the viewer's angle of perspective. Filmmaker Oscar Verpoort caught the optical illusion in this powerful video.

For the Te[ch]x(t)iles project from MOTI (Museum Of The Image) Peters formulated the ambition to make his prints, which until now were always created on fabrics in 2D, more dynamic. Inspired by lenticular printing, enabling a picture to move by means of a lens, Peters investigated the possibility of applying this technique on textile and created a 'multiple pattern' dress. Since the development of a thin lens is a long process, Peters took an intermediate step; instead of reducing this lenticular technique he actually enlarged it and converted this into a traditional textile adaptation: pleats.

Lenticular printing is mainly used for cards and cases. By applying this principle to clothing, the dynamics of movement, contrast and surprise is suddenly directly related to a person, the wearer. The wearer can hide by turning the black side to the viewer, or placing herself on the forefront by showing the colourful side.
This is something that Peters would like to investigate further within a next project.

Antoine: "It's about the little surprise that the dress brings to the individual and her environment. Design is more and more about meeting the consumer's wishes. You should be able to design it yourself, it should respond to the environment (hot or cold) or the person (physical, mood). I believe in the strength, vision and power of the designer. Suppose everything responds to our personality or desires, what shapes us then?
I do not want to take into account the mood of a person, I want to have a positive influence.''

Antoine Peters
Marc Deurloo